If your next dream is to become a bodyguard, you would like to know which is the best martial art for a bodyguard.
Well, the world of martial arts offers many opportunities for people who want to learn to defend themselves. Some martial arts are best for short people, others that are recommended for girls, and the list goes on.
As we understand, different martial arts are better for some people or gender, but what about the best martial arts for bodyguards? Which are the best martial arts for a bodyguard?
The best martial art for a bodyguard is the krav maga, followed by other martial arts as jeet Kune do, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, and Judo. They will offer good protection against people who don’t maintain proper behavior, and you should react to stop them.
Until now, you probably understand that there are different types of martial arts that can help you make your job safer, protecting people and the club in the best way possible.
If you are a newbie and you are approaching the bodyguard world, following this guide is the best step that you can do, to become a successful bodyguard.
#1 Krav maga The Best martial arts for bodyguard

If you were already practicing krav maga and want to become a bodyguard, you must consider yourself lucky.
Krav maga, guarantee the perfect protection against peoples that want to attack you.
As the purpose of a bodyguard is to make the people and location safe, from drunk people, or other types of fights, you have to know how to fight against people without weapons or armed.
Why is krav maga good for a bodyguard?
The krav maga is an Israeli fighting system used for military purposes, the krav maga is a combination of different fighting disciplines, like boxing, wrestling, Judo, Aikido.
It is the best martial arts for bodyguards because this martial art uses both mental and physical training, as from the beginning, you will be trained to react immediately and recognize the danger.
If you decide to start krav maga, you will see that the training are not the same as the other martial arts or combat sports; in facts, the exercises of this martial art include :
- Multiple attacks from different people,
- Attacks and hits on the sensitive parts of the body in case of real danger of your life.
- Learning how to use all the object that you have available in a given moment
- Maintain awareness of the location where the attack is taking place and take advantage of it.
And as you can notice, all these simulations performed during the training in the gym can be compared to the real-life scenario that a bodyguard can expect to find during the hours of his job.
Krav maga: Techniques useful for a bodyguard
To give you a more precise idea about the efficacy of this martial art, you must know what techniques you will learn if you decide to attend a krav maga camp.
Some of the most important techniques are: strikes, take-downs-grappling, escapes from chokes, defense, and escape from attacks with weapons.
#2 Jeet Kune doo: Reason why is a good martial art for bodyguard

Most of you will probably not know this martial art at the first sight, but I am sure you will recognize it immediately with a little bit of suggestion.
The jeet Kune doo is the martial arts ideated by Bruce Lee, knower as the martial arts legend. Thanks to his way of improvement he decides to realize a martial art which can be considered the perfect martial art, perfect to use in all scenario and situations as:
- Ground
- Striking
- Throw
That makes this martial art one of the best to be practiced by bodyguard, thanks to the complete knowledge regarding fighting.
Is it better jeet Kune doo or krav maga for a bodyguard?
Both martial arts are at the top regarding the best martial arts for a bodyguard. The main differences between these martial arts are that the krav maga is more specialized in allowing a person to defend himself against attack by weapons.
While on the Jeet Kune doo, you will specialize in maintaining the correct balance and using your style but following the general guide of the master Bruce Lee.
The choice between these martial arts is up to you; both martial arts are considered the best for a bodyguard.
The practice of one of them will for sure improve your reflex and your reactivity.
The differences between Jeet Kune doo and krav maga are minimal; both of them will make you a great bodyguard.
#3 Judo for bodyguard

The 3rd place for my rank of the best martial arts for a bodyguard is reserved for Judo.
I decide to insert Judo here because if from one side It guarantees you perfect knowledge about the throwing techniques that guarantee you to take down an attacker, from the other side, it doesn’t give you the proper knowledge that you need to defend yourself from an attacker that knows about striking martial arts.
If we take a look from a bodyguard’s point of view, Judo is a useful martial art to learn. Suppose you are considering making the profession of bodyguard and reaching the top levels. In that case, you should evaluate to practice it, together with other martial arts ( krav maga, jeet Kune doo, etc etc.).
Judo techniques useful for bodyguard
Some of the techniques present on the Judo are considered very useful for the bodyguard profession; some of them are:
Katame-waza ( Grappling techniques)
Let’s assume that for some exceptional circumstance, you find yourself on the floor with an attacker.
This is the best scenario for everyone, especially for people who don’t know how to take advantage or defend themselves.
Well, here enter in the scene the Judo, with the techniques of katame-waza.
In simple words, Katame-Waza refers to all the techniques necessary to escape or take advantage when you are on the floor with one opponent, and this, as you can imagine, could be an excellent skill to know if you are a bodyguard.
Of course, Judo is not limited to the grappling stage, but Judo gives you many other fundamentals to help you make your bodyguard job more relaxed.
#4 Brazilian jiu-jitsu for bodyguard

Another important martial art that I decide to insert on the list is Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
Many of you probably know of what I am speaking; this meanly due to the influence of MMA in the world.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is the best martial arts for people who want to expand their knowledge on the fighting ground.
Knowing Brazilian jiu-jitsu will help you to defend yourself from an attack that brings you to the ground. You will learn the use of chokes and how to perform them in the best efficient way possible.
As a bodyguard, you are vulnerable to the attack of a group, and in that case, the possibility that a boost destabilizes your body and you fall is very high.
For that Reason, the knowledge of ground martial arts as Brazilian jiu-jitsu can be a gold mine for somebody who intends to make the profession of bodyguard a reality.
#5 Boxing for bodyguard: is it good?

If you think about the classic bodyguard, you will imagine a big and tall person with a lot of muscle surrounding his body, and why not, good punchers and boxers.
This is the stereotype of the bodyguard.
If we analyze boxing with a bodyguard more in detail, we will discover some essential points of disadvantage in learning it as a primary defense for a bodyguard.
Disadvantages of learning boxing for a bodyguard
Absence of preparation on kicking, grounding, defense against attackers with weapons.
The one that I just mentioned before is essential to know, especially in a job that requires to be prepared to whatever, because the bodyguard will never know what type of attack he has to defend or block on a specific night.
For that reason, I believe that the only use of boxing for that profession is not recommended.
Advantage of learning boxing for a bodyguard
If from one side there are disadvantages to learning boxing, from another point of view it guarantees some advantage, and some of them are:
You will have complete control of striking hits by punching and avoid punching without any problem. Your reflex will improve drastically.
Other martial arts good for bodyguard
Anyhow, the absence of some martial arts on our rank doesn’t mean that some are not good. Some other valid martial arts will be perfect for a bodyguard.
An example is wrestling. As wrestling’s main point is to take down the attacker, It will be easy for you to throw a person who is not trained.
The only disadvantage is that you will not be prepared for how to neutralize in the best manner the attacker once on the ground.
Some of you maybe already practice some martial arts when was a child, and now are thinking if the things that were learned times ago, are still good, and if he can use them.
One of the most commonly frequented martial arts is karate; if a child had attended a karate school, keep reading because, in the next part of the article, we will see if karate is an efficient martial art bodyguard.
Is karate efficient martial art for bodyguard?
Many people every year start practicing karate, maybe because they are fascinated about the history or because of the influence that had during the recent years.
Anyway, answering the question about the efficiency of karate is not so easy as you can think because there are many types of karate.
Some of them are more efficient than others.
Some of the most famous karate styles are:
- Shotokan
- Goju-Ryu
- Kyokushin
- Ashihara
Suppose you are attending Shotokan karate or Kyokushin. In that case, I can probably answer that the karate style you are learning will help you in your future or actual carrier as a bodyguard.
While some other traditional styles, more focused on appearing, are for a sure style that a bodyguard should keep away because your main goal is to be efficient and learn as fast as possible to use the techniques on your daily job as a bodyguard.
What are the worst martial arts for a bodyguard?
As in the first part of the article, we analyze the best martial arts for a bodyguard; now, it is time to look at the worst martial art that a bodyguard can choose.
Tai chi the worst martial arts for bodyguard
Tai chi is a Chinese martial art mainly used for relaxing purposes by using particular movements that want to simulate a fight.
As this martial art is based purely on the imagination of movements, you will never make any sparring session during the lessons.
This will negatively impact your progress to become the best bodyguard.
Focused mainly on acrobatic movements, the capoeira is part of the martial arts to avoid for a bodyguard. The Reason is explained on the purpose of the martial art.
The capoeira cannot be used during your job because it will reflect in a not efficient defense and protection.
The primary purpose is to make particular movements before hitting the opponent; it will not give any advantage to practicing it.
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- Top 10 Martial Arts Hardest To Learn
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I hope that this article was helpful and that now you have a clearer idea about which martial arts is best for a bodyguard and which one is the worst. To make the bodyguard in the most efficient manner possible, you should take confidence in yourself and your skill. Most importantly, choose the right martial art that teaches you fast response and simulates a real-life scenario as close as possible.