15 Tips For first MMA Fight

If you are here is probably because you’ll have to make your first mma fight or your first mma sparring.

This happen also to me, I did many research in order to get the most helpful tips and after spend many years I notice that it was very useful for me.

As you probably know The meaning of MMA is Mix Martial Arts. So, MMA is a hybrid combat sport which includes boxing, wrestling, judo, jujitsu, karate and muay thai techniques.

In an MMA match the object is to defeat the opponent by using striking, throwing, and grappling techniques.

The Victory is gained through knock-out, submission or stoppage by the referee, by the fight doctor or by the competitor’s corner man. An MMA fighter is capable of striking, grappling and take downs from their practise.

What is the best age to start Mix Martial Arts?

There is no age limits in Mix Martial arts. Those who have good strength and the capability of doing practises can start doing Mix Martial Arts.

Is Mix Martial Arts safe?

MMA is a combat art, and it is a very aggressive sport when it comes to a fight because of that many injuries and damages can cause highly. But the research reports reveal that Mix Martial Arts are safer than Boxing and they named this sport as the one of the safest full contact sports.

What are the things you should learn before you enter to train MMA fight as a beginner?


First thing is to do a research of Mix Martial art techniques, about the best fighters in Mix Martial Arts and what they do in their  preparation time, research about the workouts which gain endurance and stamina, the rules and regulations of a Mix Martial Arts fight, suitable meal plans and etc.

Build a Good Mind-set

In Mix Martial Arts the practitioners mind set is the key to everything. The practitioner should set his mind to bare the pain and to possess the determination to inflict on the opponent and the opponent also have the adaptability to recover from defeat.

Maintain a Good Physique

In Mix Martial Arts, a fighter should have a good physique and should have a good endurance and stamina. A Mix Martial arts practitioner should do workouts to maintain the fitness level and to maintain the skills in Mix Martial Arts. Doing workouts in gym does not mean that doing body building. Body building and Mix Martial Arts are like oil and water. They cannot mix up with each other because when you are doing body building the muscles getting bulk and tiff. So, it will be a cause for reducing the speed of the practitioner.

Stretch the body

Stretching is a must in Mix Martial Arts because Mix Martial Arts are not just based on the strength. Flexibility is an important aspect in Mix Martial Arts. Therefore, the Mix Martial Arts practitioner should do stretching exercises to stretch every possible muscle in the body.

Train the core

For a martial artist, the core is the most important area of the body to deliver a punch or a kick. The Core is the place where the strength comes from and the centre of the body. Having a good strength in the core helps to deliver more powerful punches, kicks and to make quick moves. So, train the core for it.

Follow a Healthy meal plan

Mix Martial arts practitioner should take meals which contains high protein, carbohydrates, and fats.  When the protein intake is low it should be taken from the protein supplements. The unwanted fat should be reduced by the trainings. Alcohols, drugs and smoking should be stopped if you want to be a good martial artist.

15 Tips for your first MMA fight

#1 Prepare a good mind-set

mindset-on-your first mma fight

Everybody gets very emotional before a fight such as fear, stress, excitement and etc. These emotions are the reason that you felt love in fighting and why you entered to this match. So First you must make sure that you are ready for the fight. You should tell yourself that you can do this, and you are not going to give up this fight. You should see the fight from your mind. Think that you are having a target to win this, and you need to practice. Prepare your mind to work on for your target.

#2 Start to think positively

think positively-on your first fight

If you are getting a negative feeling about the fight, it is not a good thing specially in your fist MMA fight. You should always think positively that you can do this anyhow. Start to trust your own self.

#3 Research


Always watch some previous MMA matches and watch the techniques that fighters use to win. If you know the opponent that you are going to face in the match, do a research of the opponent.

As an example, watch how the opponent moves in the ring, opponents fighting tactics, the way he or she fights and the weakness of the opponents. Keep all the things you acknowledge to your mind and train for that.

Also, you can try some techniques and while you are trying it by filming yourself. Then you can find your weak points from it. Try to figure that weakness and train to make that weak point to a plus point.

#4 Stretch your self


When the days come close to your fight always try to stretch your body and every possible muscle as much as you can. That will help to you in the ring to deliver fast punches, kicks and to move faster in the ring. Feel your body relax always.

#5 Engage in Power trainings


Power trainings can increase the speed of the muscle movements and it can help you to increase the strength in your body. This helps you to deliver punches and kicks in the tournament with more power effortlessly during the fight.

#6 Have a good meal plan

good meal plan

Especially in the final days before the tournament you should cut down some calories and gain some calories too. The protein intake should maintain in a level. Having a good meal plan will help you to maintain your physical fitness.

if you are interested we have an article regarding : what do mma fighter eat before a fight

#7 Meditate

Meditate before your first fight

Keep the mind calm and keep everything very simple. For this do some meditations by focusing your breath. Before your first fight, your mind will not be stable in most of the times. To avoid such thing, you can meditate and calm down yourself.

#8 Preparation

Preparation-is important for first fight mma

Prepare and go. Prepare your stuffs that are needed to carry for the fight. List down your needs and prepare early for the fight. Make sure that you are having your mouth guard, head gear, gloves, chest protector and the shin guards. Dress in the appropriate way for the fight.

According to the Mix Martial Art rules men should wear pair of shorts, open fingered gloves, mouth guard, groin protection for the men, and protective chest gear for the women.

Pack some medical stuffs also when need an emergency.

All the fighters should fight with bearfoot and shoes or padding on the foot is illegal.

#9 Get used to the environment

#9 Get used to the environment

On your first MMA fight, remember to arrive on time. It helps to create a friendly environment for your mind. Take some time to discover and look around the space where you are going to fight. Be comfortable with the environment. It is better if you can watch some fights at the same place before you start your first MMA fight.

#10 Use the most practised techniques

techniques-mma-frist fight

Being the first MMA fight you might not be good at some techniques. But if there is chance to win using a technique you know, but there is a chance to apply another less known technique, don’t go for it. Use the well-known technique and try to win the fight.

#11 Be hard on yourself

#11 Be hard on yourself

When you are fighting, be hard always. Have courage on yourself. Fight as hard as you can. In your first fight, being harder will help you to develop your skills more and more.

#12 Defend yourself properly

Defend yourself mma

Defending is an important aspect of a fight. Therefore, you must make sure to defend properly in your first MMA fight. Unless you will get hurt in the fight. So, remember to cover up yourself.

#13 Be active in the whole fight

be active on first mma fight

You must be active in the ring while the fight is going on. For that you need to be able to excel at the cardio. Specially before your first fight push the cardio. You can do running, swimming and any other. This will help you to be active while you are in the ring and your body will not shut down during the fight.

#14 Don’t get stressed

no stress on your first mma fight

If you are stressed it will be difficult to focus on your target. Relax yourself before the fight. Engage in activities which help to relax yourself. We all can’t engage in a work properly if we are stressed. So, that is applicable in this situation too.

#15 Sleep well

Sleep well-before fight

When this is your first fight you won’t get a good sleep. Some fighters feel uncomfortable and they are hanging on the phones and searching for tips before a fight and some fighters hanging with friends all night to relax the mind. Most of the fighters do shadow boxing in front of the television or in front of the mirror and make their selves so tired.

the solution is to take a good sleep before the fight  is to do some stretching and shadow boxing in front of the television or in front of the mirror to make your self-confidence to the fight. After that watch a movie and feel relax. Then go to the bed and try to sleep at least 6 hours. There is nothing more to do because all the hard work and training is behind yourself.

Are you worried about your age? are you thinking about what age you shuold figh or start in mma ? 


As the first MMA fight you are going to face, this will be the first step of the journey that you are going to start. So, remember not to the end the journey from your first fight. Focus on your goal and find the ways to achieve the goal to become a successful MMA fighter. Learn a lesson from every fight until you achieve your goal.

Most importantly, give a great consideration for the above mentioned tips before you enter into your first MMA fight. Don’t loose confident in you. Make sure to win and work for it. Remember that the winning is totally depends on how hard you have trained, how much have put on for the practicing, how much you have work on making yourself a good fighter. Before going to the fight, make yourself mentally fit as well as physically fit. Apart from physical fitness, mental fitness directly affects on your fight. Have courage to win. Be offensive. Make your targets.

At last, you have not be afraid of your first MMA fight. All you need is good practice, good physical and mental health.

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